
第92章 第九十二章(1/1)


首发:~第92章 第九十二章

for she was alive long before father and mother were born -- no doubt about that! grandmother had a hymn book with a big silver button to lock it, and she used to read it there was a rose in the book; it was very flat and dry it was not as beautiful as the rose in her glass bottle, but it was only to this flower that she smiled her tenderest smile and even brought tears to her eyes

i don&39;t know why grandma looked at a withered rose in an old book like that you know what every time my grandmother&39;s tears fell on the flower, its color immediately became bright again the rose opened and the whole room was filled with fragrance all four walls fell down as if they were nothing more than a layer of smoke around her appeared a beautiful green wood; sunlight filtered through the leaves and grandmother -- well, she was young again she was a beautiful little girl, with curls of golden hair and a round red face, beautiful and elegant, and no rose was so bright as her and her eyes, those gentle, pure eyes, were always so gentle and pure next to her sat a man, so healthy and so tall he gave her a rose, and she smiled -- grandma could not smile like that now! yes, she smiled but he was gone, and many thoughts, many images floated before her the beautiful young man was gone now, and only the rose lay in the hymn book grandmother -- yes, she was an old woman now, still sitting there -- looked at the withered rose lying in the book

and now grandma&39;s dead she used to sit in her armchair and tell a long, long story from the children&39;s fairy tales work

&34;now that i have finished,&34; said she, &34;i am tired; let me get some sleep&34; so she leaned her head back and took a breath then she slowly quieted down, and her face showed a happy and quiet expression, as if the sun were shining on her face so people said she was dead

she was put in a black coffin she lay there, wrapped in layers of white cloth she was so beautiful and gentle, though her eyes were closed all her wrinkles were gone, and a smile appeared on her lips her hair was so silver, so solemn look at this dead person, and you will not be afraid at all -- this gentle, kind old grandmother the hymn book was placed under her head, for it was her will the rose still lies in the old book that&39;s how they buried grandma

on a grave by the church wall, a rose was planted it was full of flowers the night camp sang on the flowers and the grave the organ in the church played the most beautiful hymns -- hymns from the book of poems that had been placed under the dead man&39;s head the moon shone on the grave, but the dead man was not there even in the dead of night, every child could safely walk there and pick a rose by the cemetery wall a dead man knows more than we living the dead knew the horror we would feel if we saw them the dead are better than all of us, so they don&39;t show up anymore the coffin was full of earth the coffin was full of earth the hymn book and its pages became dirt, and the rose full of memories became dirt but on the earth, new roses bloom, the nightingales sing, the organ plays music, and people think of the old grandmother with the big, gentle, ever-young eyes eyes never die! our eyes will see grandmother, young and beautiful grandmother, as she did when she first kissed the bright red rose that now lies in the grave and turned to earth”
















苏芷溪喜欢陆宴清,而在他眼里她只是一个契合的床伴。 白天她是他的秘书,一丝不苟,晚上她是他的秘密情人,一丝不挂。
上一世,她是皇家小公主,被人宠着,被人爱着,倾国倾城,又有一身神骨。 可十五岁那年,什么都变了,一直宠着她的皇帝看着她的目光逐渐贪婪…… 偏向她的皇太爷也偷偷找来,手中拿着一把尖刀。 就连她一直爱戴的太子哥哥,也…… 她:“为什么,为什么要这样对我!” 皇帝等人:“你天生神骨,我们宠你,保护你十五年,是你该回报的时候了!” 皮肉被一层一层割开,鲜红的血染上她的衣裙,她的骨头被取走,还被扔进了万魔
一代特种兵王,追击恐怖头子,不慎被偷袭,重生到1958年的东北大兴安岭。 这是个食物匮乏的年代,上有父母,下有弟弟和妹妹,左青峰不得不扛起重担,养活一家人。 尽管粮食匮乏,可左青峰担当起大兴安岭的守山人,这山上的猎物,全都被左青峰,他将带领一家,过上丰衣足食的日子。